Accessibility Services: Alternative Testing
Alternative Testing
The term "Alternative Testing" means that a student has an accommodation for tests (including, but not limited to: extra time, tests read out loud, someone to write your answers, the use of assistive technology, etc.) and takes tests outside of the classroom, in the Accessibility Services testing room.
If you are a student who has the accommodation of taking tests outside of the classroom in the Accessibility Services testing rooms, keep these things in mind:
- Consider taking your copy of the Accommodation Memo with you to class and discussing your needs with each instructor. You can do this after class or during the instructor's office hours. This may help the instructor to understand your needs.
- As soon as you know you are having a test, either go to Berks Hall, room 216, or call 610-372-4721 x5062 or email to schedule an appointment to take the test. Schedule your test for the same day and time the test is being given in class. Staff members will discuss exceptions to this policy.
- Remind your instructor that you will be taking tests in the Accessibility Services testing room.
- Report to Berks Hall, room 216, on the day of your appointment and be prepared to take your test. Bring pens, pencils, or other materials you are allowed to use.
- If you miss a test, you are required to contact your instructor to see if/when you may be allowed to make up the test.
Accessibility Services Testing Center Rules
- Be aware that cameras are in use in testing rooms, and students will be monitored by staff looking into the testing rooms or viewing test takers remotely on computers.
- Place all personal items outside of testing room, in a locker or locked office.
- No cell phones are allowed. Turn phones off (not just on vibrate) and put them in a safe place outside the testing room.
- No electronic devices, including, but not limited to, AirPods or other electronic ear buds, digital cameras, smart watches, etc. are allowed.
- Calculators may or may not be permitted. This decision is up to individual instructors.
- No handwritten or printed materials are permitted unless clearly stated by your instructor that these are allowed.
- No packages, totes, backpacks, purses, briefcases, etc. are allowed.
- No food or drink unless specifically allowed by Accessibility Services staff.
- Once you begin a test, you may not leave the testing room under any circumstances prior to completion of the test. Exceptions may apply to certain students.
- Talking is not permitted in the testing room.
- Students taking the same test may not sit near each other in the testing room.
- When you finish a test, return it to a secretary in B-216 or Accessibility Services staff member.
- Bring your own pencil/pen or other materials.
- Throw away any unused scrap paper and clean up your area before you leave the testing room.
- Staff members are not responsible for items lost or stolen during testing.
Breaking any of these rules compromises the integrity of the test. Your test will be taken and your instructor will be contacted. The instructor will then address the behavior as an infringement of the academic honesty policy. See the Student Handbook for more details on this policy.